
お客様の喜びが、僕らの幸せ 一杯入魂、味に妥協なし僕らのスタイル、初志貫徹



Nantsuttei is part of the evolution of ramen culture.
That means it is our mission to protect the traditions that have helped create us and to expand ramen culture even further. To achieve this, we must not allow ourselves to be swept away.



Indeed, it stands alongside sushi as a representative of Japanese culinary culture.
Many people from outside of Japan visit Nantsuttei and declare it delicious.
Seeing their smiles, I thought to myself that I wanted to spread our flavor throughout the world.
That desire has come to fruition as I decided that people should be able to eat authentic Nantsuttei ramen in a space identical to our restaurants in Japan.

なんつッ亭Nantsuttei restaurants are a relaxed, public place to eat.
This is a shop that matches ramen. Corrugated metal walls and cardboard menus: This has been our style from the beginning.
In order to dispel unnecessary thoughts and focus our minds, we don pure white headbands before we begin to work.
As each customer ducks under the curtain at the entrance, we welcome them with a warm shout.
Though we are not elegant, we serve with the desire that you enjoy your meal and as each customer leaves, we give a cheerful, heartfelt thanks.

We want to maintain our style and offer an authentic Japanese culinary experience without changing things to suit different countries.
In April of 2010, after a lot of hard work, we opened our first overseas branch in Singapore.
We dream big, so we work at it steadily and soundly.
“It’s Tasty, Baby!” to the world!